Welcome to our company website, dedicated to investments with mutual funds and children savings program RESP (Registered Educational Savings Plan).
This website is designed to inform on important topics, such as investments and discusses different options available, when using and opening the RESP savings program.
We have been in business approximately 22 years and our goal is to help you understand this multi-sided world of finances. In addition to the services mentioned above we are able to assist you with the following services, in which we are licensed:
- Financial planning*;
- Any type of insurance – life, health and income. Insuring our visitors and travels abroad. Individual and group benefits*;
- Mortgage and refinancing*;
To get additional information on these services, please visit our company’s main website “Financial Services – Serguei Totrov”. You can visit directly through www.totrov.com or click on the banner with our company logo, located on the right.
Our company main website www.totrov.com has been created at the end of 2000 and we are trying to make sure that all of the information on both websites is in understandable, easy-to-understand terms.
We are always happy to meet in person, and answer any questions you may have.
* This website’s goal is not to advertise services related to financial planning, insurance, investments through Segregated Funds, processing credit collateralized with property (mortgage). To obtain additional information on the above mentioned services, please visit www.totrov.com.

Primary Disclaimer:
- The information contained herein is for Ontario residents only and does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit sales in any other Canadian or Foreign Jurisdictions.
Mutual Funds are available through Global Maxfin Investments Inc.
Insurance Products, Segregated Funds, HISA and GIC are available through MGA Canada Inc/ Finance Tax & Insurance Coordinator Inc (FTIC).
Mortgage Products are available through Dominion Lending Centres.
- Global Maxfin Investments Inc. (GMII) is 100% owned by a common shareholder.
- This publication contains opinions of the writer and may not reflect opinions of Global Maxfin Investments Inc. The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to reliable, but no representation, or warranty, express or implied, is made by the writer or Global Maxfin Investments Inc. or any other person as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. This publication is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities. The securities discussed in this publication may not be eligible for sale in some jurisdictions. If you are not a Canadian resident, this report should not have been delivered to you. This publication is not meant to provide legal or account advice. As each situation is different you should consult your own professional advisors for advice based on your specific circumstances.
Mutual Funds are available through Global Maxfin Investments Inc.
Insurance Products, Segregated Funds, HISA and GIC are available through MGA Canada Inc/ Finance Tax & Insurance Coordinator Inc (FTIC).
Mortgage Products are available through Dominion Lending Centres.